Sirály cup 2016
Sirály cup 2016
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Sirály cup 2016, aerotow hanggliding competition
This year the meet will be organized from 7th to 10th of July.
Traditionally the competition will be done in parallel with a similar event for trikes. This is the reason why the dates are fixed.
The environment is appropriate for beginner XC pilots also and for the general public interested in flight. We had great weather last year with good distance flights. This year we are waiting for a good weather but we have a plan B in case of bad wheather, We will go the beach of the lake Balaton. Since this is a meet organized mainly for trikes we have to respect their rules.
Category: no FAI category.
Official info: (only hungarian)
Place: Balatonfokajar airport, close to Balatonfokajar, near the M7 highway
GPS coordinates: N 47°00’24,04″ E 18°12’38,05″
Schedule: 2015.07.7 – 10 (Thursday – Sunday)
Reserve day: None
Reserve dates for the meet: None
Airport usage fee: 1200 HUF (~4 EUR/day), even for non pilots!
Registration: If you intend to join please send a mail to: until 2016.06.30 (needed in order to get the right no. of towing trikes)
Registration fee: None
Retrieval: Free with the van provided by the sponsor. If the capacity of the van is exceeded then retrieval has to be organized by participants.
Task setting: Based on the agreement of the competitors. No task committee.
Evaluation of the results: Based on tracklogs uploaded to XContest.
GPS: mandatory (please bring data cable)
There will be launch facilitators (helpers) and people who coordinate the retrieval
Participants assume all responsiblity for themselves, keeping of local rules is mandatory. You have to have aerotow sign off.
Daily schedule: briefing at 11:00, gliders should be rigged at launch on 12:30
Towing fee: 3500 HUF (~12 EUR) for 500m. Fee has to be paid before the towing. There will be no possibility to change money on the launch so please prepare the right amount.
Accomodation: Please send your preference during the registration
A. Camping on the airport 1000 HUF/day (~3EUR). There is toilet, water and electricity but no possibility to shower.
B. Guest house in Balatonfokajar 3000-4000 HUF/day. If interested please contact the organizer at least 3 days before the meet.
Further info:
Balaton beach is only 5-6 km away.
Coordinator: Horváth Zoltán, +36-20-555-0280,
If the weather is really bad then the event will be cancelled. This webpage will be updated in this case.
Please bring your own weaklink if possible.
Ubytovanie u Šaniho ***, WC,sprcha TV, posteľ. Baby a jedlo vlastné, resp. podľa úspešnosti lovu v hosťovskom revíri (platí v oboch prípadoch). Ale všetko sa dá aj kúpiť za priaznivejšie ceny ako u nás (platí v oboch prípadoch) Kto rozmýšľa a má otázky, pýtajte sa, bude vám zodpovedané
Sirály cup 2016, aerotow hanggliding competition
This year the meet will be organized from 7th to 10th of July.
Traditionally the competition will be done in parallel with a similar event for trikes. This is the reason why the dates are fixed.
The environment is appropriate for beginner XC pilots also and for the general public interested in flight. We had great weather last year with good distance flights. This year we are waiting for a good weather but we have a plan B in case of bad wheather, We will go the beach of the lake Balaton. Since this is a meet organized mainly for trikes we have to respect their rules.
Category: no FAI category.
Official info: (only hungarian)
Place: Balatonfokajar airport, close to Balatonfokajar, near the M7 highway
GPS coordinates: N 47°00’24,04″ E 18°12’38,05″
Schedule: 2015.07.7 – 10 (Thursday – Sunday)
Reserve day: None
Reserve dates for the meet: None
Airport usage fee: 1200 HUF (~4 EUR/day), even for non pilots!
Registration: If you intend to join please send a mail to: until 2016.06.30 (needed in order to get the right no. of towing trikes)
Registration fee: None
Retrieval: Free with the van provided by the sponsor. If the capacity of the van is exceeded then retrieval has to be organized by participants.
Task setting: Based on the agreement of the competitors. No task committee.
Evaluation of the results: Based on tracklogs uploaded to XContest.
GPS: mandatory (please bring data cable)
There will be launch facilitators (helpers) and people who coordinate the retrieval
Participants assume all responsiblity for themselves, keeping of local rules is mandatory. You have to have aerotow sign off.
Daily schedule: briefing at 11:00, gliders should be rigged at launch on 12:30
Towing fee: 3500 HUF (~12 EUR) for 500m. Fee has to be paid before the towing. There will be no possibility to change money on the launch so please prepare the right amount.
Accomodation: Please send your preference during the registration
A. Camping on the airport 1000 HUF/day (~3EUR). There is toilet, water and electricity but no possibility to shower.
B. Guest house in Balatonfokajar 3000-4000 HUF/day. If interested please contact the organizer at least 3 days before the meet.
Further info:
Balaton beach is only 5-6 km away.
Coordinator: Horváth Zoltán, +36-20-555-0280,
If the weather is really bad then the event will be cancelled. This webpage will be updated in this case.
Please bring your own weaklink if possible.
Ubytovanie u Šaniho ***, WC,sprcha TV, posteľ. Baby a jedlo vlastné, resp. podľa úspešnosti lovu v hosťovskom revíri (platí v oboch prípadoch). Ale všetko sa dá aj kúpiť za priaznivejšie ceny ako u nás (platí v oboch prípadoch) Kto rozmýšľa a má otázky, pýtajte sa, bude vám zodpovedané
- jaro
- Príspevky: 4209
- Dátum registrácie: Št Sep 20, 2007 12:39 pm
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Urobíme treningovú výpravu.
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Ak vydrzim, tak buduci rok by som to hadam i skusil. Len budem potrebovat tlmocnika Este nejake specialne dovednosti sa vyzaduju?
- jaro
- Príspevky: 4209
- Dátum registrácie: Št Sep 20, 2007 12:39 pm
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Už nič, len lietať a lietať.
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Hat az bistoš nagyom lákavé ... Edu maju tam vlečnu aj na Targeta?
Wills Wing T2C 144
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Ano maju. Vlekam sa za nou ja a este niekolko pilotov co lieta na veteranoch. Je super pomala, 55km/h. Tak ako som pisal minuli rok, aj teraz plati, ze prvy, treningovy den obetujem na vycvyk zaujemcom o vlekanie. Ale mozme ist aj 2dni skor, len musim zistit kedy tam bude vlecna a aka.
- jaro
- Príspevky: 4209
- Dátum registrácie: Št Sep 20, 2007 12:39 pm
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Sirály cup 2016
A ostatné vlečné ako ťahaju?
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Okey Edu..... Je to lákavé lebo je to kúsok od Nitry. Erik by my dufam Targeta požičal. Skúsim sa poobzerať či by mal niekto záujem tu zo západu tam ísť. Ten camp je na tom letisku pri M7mičke?
Wills Wing T2C 144
- Ivan Plucko - NAY
- Príspevky: 988
- Dátum registrácie: Ut Okt 23, 2007 8:17 pm
- Bydlisko: Bratislava
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Panove v tomto datume mame 4. Kolo MSR na Straniku.
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Blbé ... čó?Ivan Plucko - NAY napísal:Panove v tomto datume mame 4. Kolo MSR na Straniku.
Wills Wing T2C 144
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Ivan tak to presunme. Hadam sa vieme nejako dohodnut. Hm?
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Jaro nafotil som svoje vlekacie zar. Mam ho od maďarov ešte od čias, keď som chodil do Dunaújvárošu. Tu je link
Stredná šnúrka cez ktorú ide ihla (bielo červená) častým používaním držala už iba na štyroch nitkách, tak som to minulý rok opravil. Na fotke je vidieť že pôvodná bola červená. Tú som strihol a prišil novú. Preto je tam toľko šitia. Rovnako to mali opravené aj ostatný, tak som to len odkukal. Tuším tam niekto používa aj austrálsky vlekací sistém.
Stredná šnúrka cez ktorú ide ihla (bielo červená) častým používaním držala už iba na štyroch nitkách, tak som to minulý rok opravil. Na fotke je vidieť že pôvodná bola červená. Tú som strihol a prišil novú. Preto je tam toľko šitia. Rovnako to mali opravené aj ostatný, tak som to len odkukal. Tuším tam niekto používa aj austrálsky vlekací sistém.
Re: Sirály cup 2016
A pre nerozhodných pripájam link s reportom zo súťaže z pred dvoch rokov viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1982
- Ivan Plucko - NAY
- Príspevky: 988
- Dátum registrácie: Ut Okt 23, 2007 8:17 pm
- Bydlisko: Bratislava
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Sirály cup 2016
Zmena neni mozna vzhladom na sportovy poriadok.eduardo napísal:Ivan tak to presunme. Hadam sa vieme nejako dohodnut. Hm?
Nech to madari posunu vsak sa dohodnete
Re: Sirály cup 2016
No škoda. Vážne mi je to ľúto, že sa nevieme dohodnúť. Je to len na škodu veci, ale ja mám v tom jasno kam pôjdem lietať.