Kniha navstev
Re: Kniha navstev
nahodou nejaku stranku alebo graf zobrazenie ako ma aladin na shmu ale s predpovedou na chorvatsko konkretne zadar... dik
atlasar <= vranar
- Chefo
- Príspevky: 1075
- Dátum registrácie: Ut Feb 23, 2010 3:50 pm
- Bydlisko: Brezno
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Re: Kniha navstev
- jaro
- Príspevky: 4209
- Dátum registrácie: Št Sep 20, 2007 12:39 pm
- Bydlisko: Prešov
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Re: Kniha navstev
Zajtra idem na Slubicu. Dufam že bude vývoz.
Re: Kniha navstev
Chlapi po zverejneni inzeratu na moje pristroje, na SKYFLY mam niekolko zaujemcov. Takze ak nahodou este vahate tak sa cim skor rozhybte, lebo vsetko pojde do ciech." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Naposledy upravil/-a eduardo v Št Júl 19, 2012 11:37 pm, upravené celkom 2 krát.
Re: Kniha navstev
Cez vikend pristal Endre v poli pod Tokajom. Nejaky domaci, iniciativny blbec zalarmoval vsetko od hasicov pocnuc, cez zachranku az po vrtulnik a samozrejme nechybali ani supi z TV. Takze je o tom aj kratky zaznam. ... r_embedded" onclick=";return false;
Re: Kniha navstev
Potreboval by som nejakú fotku s rogalom, aby som si vedel predstaviť asko to vlastne vyzerá...
Zajtrajšok a lietanie? Či?
Zajtrajšok a lietanie? Či?
- Príspevky: 2692
- Dátum registrácie: Pi Sep 28, 2007 9:05 pm
- Bydlisko: Ta Košice (The Kosice)
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Re: Kniha navstev
šiel by som ako šofér, ale nemôžem. Seklo mi v krku.
- Príspevky: 1332
- Dátum registrácie: St Okt 24, 2007 9:07 pm
- Bydlisko: Košice
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Re: Kniha navstev
Dajak nam nedopraje to pocasie. Vo stvrtok som 6hod cakal na Tokaji, ze vietor popusti , nakoniec som to zbalil. Teraz zima, severak, lietac si povie jak fajne, vykukne slniecko a bude nosit. To ano, mozno dakde na svahu - hlasi vietor az 14m/s. No kto by povedal, ze uz teraz vo vyske fuka teply juh. Vsetko pokazi, vid. profil vetra, gradient. Daco posmudlat sa urcite bude dat.
Zo stranky davam do pozornosti sustredenie Čechov na Stranniku.
Zo stranky davam do pozornosti sustredenie Čechov na Stranniku.
Re: Kniha navstev
Ja som deprimovany tou mizeriou zacal viac bicyklovat a po dneskajsej ture mam za posledny mesiac na konte asi 500km.
Nie zle ale radsej by som to nalietal
Nie zle ale radsej by som to nalietal
- Príspevky: 1332
- Dátum registrácie: St Okt 24, 2007 9:07 pm
- Bydlisko: Košice
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Re: Kniha navstev
Dnes Kohut ?
Re: Kniha navstev
Mart blows up his glider
Fri, Jul 20 2012, 8:58:59 am CDT
Way beyond maximum rated speed N+44+18+47.4,E+5+50+01.8,Laragne-Montéglin,+France(Laragne-Montéglin, France)
I received the following on my smart phone from an apparently Australian phone number:
Mart Bosman broke his Airborne C4 on final glide at the Belgian Nationals here in Laragne on Thursday. He deployed his parachute without a problem. He didn't break any bones, but was in the hospital overnight.
It looks like the crossbar broke. He was overtaking a British pilot flying an ATOS that was doing 115 km/h (71 mph) which is far beyond the design VNE (50 mph) when the glider folded up. The side wires were okay as was the pullback. I haven't checked the VG yet.
Discuss "Mart blows up his glider" at the Oz Report forum link»
Fri, Jul 20 2012, 8:58:59 am CDT
Way beyond maximum rated speed N+44+18+47.4,E+5+50+01.8,Laragne-Montéglin,+France(Laragne-Montéglin, France)
I received the following on my smart phone from an apparently Australian phone number:
Mart Bosman broke his Airborne C4 on final glide at the Belgian Nationals here in Laragne on Thursday. He deployed his parachute without a problem. He didn't break any bones, but was in the hospital overnight.
It looks like the crossbar broke. He was overtaking a British pilot flying an ATOS that was doing 115 km/h (71 mph) which is far beyond the design VNE (50 mph) when the glider folded up. The side wires were okay as was the pullback. I haven't checked the VG yet.
Discuss "Mart blows up his glider" at the Oz Report forum link»
- Príspevky: 2692
- Dátum registrácie: Pi Sep 28, 2007 9:05 pm
- Bydlisko: Ta Košice (The Kosice)
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Kniha navstev
A vraj ani nevletel do plachty - priečnik sa jednoducho zlomil v priamočiarom lete. Čudné.
- sidewinder
- Príspevky: 2750
- Dátum registrácie: St Sep 19, 2007 9:00 am
- Bydlisko: Kosice- Toporec - SR
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Re: Kniha navstev
ale nie medzi 0 ~ 3000 m
Re: Kniha navstev
Malý Ďžoni píše vo svojom profile o práve prebiehajúcej súťaži v Big-Sprins:
Another great day here in Big Spring getting over 11,000ft and climbs upto 1,000fpm. A 130km dogleg was set with a 70kms cross-tailwind last leg. Zac Majors won the day ahead of Bob Filipchuk and I was in 3rd in just under 2 hrs. I had a hard landing today after not coming out of my downwind turn with enough airspeed and hit the wind gradient. I did a highspeed stall into the asphalt but managed to slide it in destroying my harness,knees and hand before coming to rest. I was happy to be able to walk away but am feeling pretty sore right now:-( Hopefully I can get everything sorted and get to fly again tomorrow. For the overall results after 2 days check out the link below. ... /day2.html" onclick=";return false;
V skratke len toľko, že mu nevyšiel tradičný nízky prelet nad páskou, so zadným vetrom a následná otočka a pristátie. Zrúbal sa na asfalt, postroj je na odpis + kolená a ruky, no je rád, že sa mu nič vážnejšie nestalo.
Another great day here in Big Spring getting over 11,000ft and climbs upto 1,000fpm. A 130km dogleg was set with a 70kms cross-tailwind last leg. Zac Majors won the day ahead of Bob Filipchuk and I was in 3rd in just under 2 hrs. I had a hard landing today after not coming out of my downwind turn with enough airspeed and hit the wind gradient. I did a highspeed stall into the asphalt but managed to slide it in destroying my harness,knees and hand before coming to rest. I was happy to be able to walk away but am feeling pretty sore right now:-( Hopefully I can get everything sorted and get to fly again tomorrow. For the overall results after 2 days check out the link below. ... /day2.html" onclick=";return false;
V skratke len toľko, že mu nevyšiel tradičný nízky prelet nad páskou, so zadným vetrom a následná otočka a pristátie. Zrúbal sa na asfalt, postroj je na odpis + kolená a ruky, no je rád, že sa mu nič vážnejšie nestalo.